This article will guide your through several steps required to understand how to use the CommsChampion ecosystems. It may take some time to master, but it’s not really complicated.

At first it is recommended to take a look at the definition of the synthetic demo protocols. Please review both the DSL schema definition as well as generated code.

NOTE, that the generated code is actually a CMake project. Please read the Generated CMake Project Walkthrough wiki page to understand what is being generated. Also note that the generated protocol definition code is quite self-explanatory and how easy it is to read it.

It is recommended to try and build the projects of the synthetic demo protocols while enabling build of protocol plugin for CommsChampion Tools and follow instructions on How to Use CommsChampion Tools wiki page in order to get to know the environment for protocol visualization, debugging and analysis.

The second stage is to learn how to use the generated code in some custom application. Please download the doxygen generated documentation of the COMMS library (named from the latest release artifacts and read How to Use Defined Custom Protocol tutorial page. It is also recommended to analyze the example client / server applications of the synthetic demo protocols and see how they follow the instructions from the tutorial. Note, that the synthetic demo protocols projects themselves has their own doxygen generated documentation in their release artifacts. It may be beneficial the read those as well.

The third stage is to understand how to define new custom binary protocol. Please download and read the CommsDSL specification first (read online here). It is recommended to use existing projects of synthetic demo protocols as the basis and introduce new fields / messages to their DSL shema(s). Please observe the generated code and/or review the changes in cc_view application from CommsChampion Tools.

Read the commsdsl2comms Manual to understand how to use commsdsl2comms code generator.

In case syntax of CommsDSL has some limitations that don’t allow generation of the correct code and injection of some custom code snippets are required, please do the following steps as well:

  • Read the commsdsl2comms Manual. It explains what files need to be created and where to put them in order to inject custom code into the generated one.
  • Read How to Define New Custom Protocol tutorial page from the doxygen generated documentation of the COMMS library. It explains what custom code is expected to look like.
  • Review custom code snippets from available real life open protocols.

As the last stage it is recommended to fuzz test your protocol definition. Please read the Testing Generated Protocol Code wiki page and use AFL to do so.

In case there are some open question remaining, please review the available tutorial articles. Maybe your problem has already been solved and described in one of them. If not, please send me a question. If your problem turns out to be common, it will find its way to one of the tutorial articles.